How to Make DIY Korker Hair Bows: What I'm Makin' Monday
I made a craft again and I'm feeling a bit domestic once again. Oh, and I made our lunches and cooked dinner like 4 or 5 nights in a row this week. I'm on a domestic diva role. Sure, the dinners start out frozen, and our lunches aren't gourmet but it's a step in the right direction.
I like to call my crafting ways "Hood Crafty" because I don't have a lot of the fancy supplies, and I find short cuts to make tutorials I find even simpler.

This week I decided I wanted to make some korker bows. I've been eying these for some time but they usually cost more than I'd like to pay. I have tons of ribbon already, and metal prongs to add bows and clips to, and I bought a dozen 1/4in wooden dowels and was set.
Here's what I used to make mine:
6 1/4in Wooden dowels (I used all 12 of mine to make two full, long bows)
Assorted 1/4in grosgrain ribbon
Bobby pins and/or Clothes pins
Metal two-prong hair clips (you can get them at Sally's)

Others also use strong thread and hot glue, but I forgot to get the thread and decided not to use the glue just yet. So here's how I did it.
Step 1:
Wrap the ribbon around the dowels. Hold the ends in place with the bobby/clothes pins.

Step 2:
Bake the ribbon on 250 degrees for 20 minutes.
Step 3:
Take them out of the oven and let them cool.

Step 4:
Pull the ribbon off the dowels and cut them the length you'd like the bow to be (slightly longer than the circumference you're looking for. I did mine about 4.5-5in long.
Step 5:
Now here's where my bows got "hood." Instead of using strong thread I tried to use a rubber band, but it popped. Then I tried to use my regular sewing thread but it broke, so I decided to just use one of the pieces of korked ribbon to tie a group of them together. I found this worked great, but later read that dental floss works, so I may change it out. The nice thing is I can always untie it and rearrange/change the mix of colors. So long as it doesn't come out from her bouncing around.
Step 6:
At this point, you're suppose to glue the ribbon to the metal clip but I was worried I'd want to change it later, so for now I just slipped one of the two metal prongs under the knot I tied. It worked, but I'll probably change out the ribbon for floss and add the glue once I settle on the colors I want to keep.

So what did you think? Cute, no? And way easy?
Have you made or cooked anything lately? Link up! It can be an old post, I don't care! It's been forever since I've done one of these so I'm sure there's a few of yours I've missed.
Labels: crafting, domestic diva, makin monday
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