Mini Mod #10: 31 Days of Halloween
Welcome to Mini Mod #10! A weekly fashion link up for the minis in our lives!
If you read my post first thing this morning... I'm sorry. I call that "drunk blogging" but without the alcohol. But I guess I was tipsy from lack of sleep and I woke up today going "now what did I say again?"
Most of it is still here but I edited my typos and added the links and photos I promised you at 3am.
I'm so proud if myself; as this week, not only did I sew Lil' J three dresses, make her Halloween costume (and sustain severe hot glue gun burns in the process) clean the whole house (minus our room), keep it clean, make dinner (one night) and get the car's emissions and inspection taken care of, make my family lunches every single night this week... I also did all the crap I normally do while working a full week. I've never felt this accomplished and I feel like Super Woman.
The only thing I haven't been doing much of is sleeping. (Hence this blog post via iPhone in bed at 2:40am. )
If you're following my Facebook Page at all you've probably seen Lil' J wearing Halloween attire all month long to school.
Before some of you freak out about the assumed cost and waste of resources for things she'll wear just a few times (if that) let me explain... She's done some boutique modeling, we've done some thrift shopping, and I've made her a few things, so it's averaged out to fantastic deals on lots of Halloween fashion. I'd be surprised if we spent more than $50 on everything.
She doesn't quite have 31 Halloween outfits. Just enough for the 3 days a week she goes plus some things for weekends and parties. I didn't count everything but I tried to snap a photo on my phone each day.
Here's an iPhone collage of her Halloween Fashion. I used a cool iPhone app called Pic Collage. I think it was free, or .99 max.
I was up late making this dress for her to wear today as I knew it would be her last chance to wear it to school before the holiday is over (Monday she'll wear her costume). I messed up a bunch at the very end and it was tragic. I almost stabbed myself to death with my thread picker. But this morning, when I put it on her, it looked cute. Mistakes looked minimal to the average eye.
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Dress by Mom! Pattern from: Designs by ElliEtte |
She wouldn't stand still for me to take a picture so here's a sneak peek from the back. And if you can't wait to see it, I posted a picture of it without her in it on twitter last night/this morning.
What did your kiddos sport this week? Link up and show it off. I've been loving looking at your links and fashionable kiddos. This week I wanted to showcase this cutie pie, little Ari from Ari's Journey Through Montessori.
She needs some love on this post so stop by and say hi when you get a chance. And visit other linkers in the blog hop. I visit you all too. Grab a button too if you so choose, so more people can join the Mini Mod party!
Labels: fashion, mini mod, toddler fashion
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