Pros and Cons to having another baby [9 months from] NOW!
I always dreamed I'd have my children close in age. I wanted them to be between 18 months and 2-years apart. Well, time flew faster than I knew and that window of opportunity has long since passed. Now I'm looking at the 2.5 year age gap. That is the next perfect gap that's hardly obtainable, maybe, as in, if I get on it RIGHT NOW. But there are some things holding me back.
For one, I don't really want a winter baby. I LOVE having a summer baby, and being able to go outside, travel, swimming, and what not with my little one. Plus who wants a birthday squished together with Christmas?I hate cold weather (although it was 75 degrees here yesterday, so I guess it's not THAT cold here) and I worry we'd be couped up inside during my maternity leave.
Which leads me to another problem. When I went back to work with Lil' J, my husband was at home with her for her first year. Well, now he's working, and though I thought I'd want to quit my job by now, I don't. I love it, and I'm not ready to leave a career I see taking us places I never imagined before. But that means my sweet little #2 will have a caregiver other than myself or my husband when s/he is just 12 weeks old. That makes me sad. Granted, I LOVE the school Lil' J goes to. She won't be going there anymore after she's two but we'd get first dibs there as a sibling, and I couldn't picture my child attending someplace better. So we'll see. A nanny is also an option.

So my biggest reason for wanting to get this ball rolling is wanting them close in age. I want them to be friends, and I just picture having two daughters who are BFFs. That's my dream! But if I have a boy maybe it wouldn't matter anyway, and maybe I'll look back and think "what the heck was I rushing for?"
GAH! Decisions decisions!
For those of you who already have the decision made to have a baby and are pregnant or nursing, I have a treat! Seraphine has graciously offered to giveaway a $100 to their beautiful online maternity store. If I was pregnant I'd use it to buy this Taupe Knot Front Dress, and I hope whoever wins picks out something as cute!
And if you can't wait, you can use a gift code for 20% off " BMM20"
And if you can't wait, you can use a gift code for 20% off " BMM20"
Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Labels: decisions, pre-pregnancy
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